Thank you for this. I'm wondering if you are familiar with "How Emotions Are Made" - I don't remember the author. I found the book profound and illuminating and am reminded of many of its points in your brief discussion of matters here.
Our bodies are evolutionary marvels passed down to us by millennia of ancestors whose bodies survived the random indifference of natural selection. Being a life long practitioner of yoga and meditation, I'm reminded of the definition of yoga as "yoking" the mind and body together into one whole unified sentient being - and that union has definite survival benefits - which are hard, cold physical reality benefits of being able to produce reproductively viable offspring who also benefit from the union. Nothing woo-woo about that at all.
Also, being a non-dualist I am continually pleased that a lot of new research is contradicting the Descartian/Platonic dualism that finds great expression in the soul/body false division propagated by many religions and belief systems. There is no separate part of ourselves. We are our bodies and like your brilliant title, it's converse is also true... What If Our Entire Brain is Our Body?